Growth Spurt or Death Rattle?

The stock market is looking for a reason not to curl up in a fetal ball and finally let this…

A Reversal of Fortune is at Hand

Recession hasn’t set in yet, but the Fed is doing everything possible to encourage it, by continuing to tighten in…

WH + CBO = 4 Humble Π

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says the U.S. deficit will surpass $1 trillion two years ahead of previous estimates. Almost…

Ignorance is a Short Term Fix!

There’s a lot of talk about the current lack of inflation and many are investing like it poses no urgent…

Learn from History or Repeat It!

Nearly ninety years after the fact, there is still a great deal of controversy about specific causes of the Great…

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

During school, my ADD (which didn’t have a name at the time) made it difficult to maintain interest in the…

Goldcorp Predicts $2,000 Gold

By Stewart Bailey Feb. 11 (Bloomberg) — Goldcorp Inc. founder Rob McEwen, who has more than $100 million in gold…