Why is Gold the BEST Form of Money?

Money is defined as something that functions as a store of value and medium of exchange. In the 4th century…

Truth Has Become a Four-Letter Word!

Standard Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are as porous as a sponge and as malleable as cooked spaghetti. However, Wall…

“…Destined To Repeat It!”

If you read enough financial news articles, you’ve certainly come across a plethora of people who claim to have predicted…

Red Fish Blue Fish?

Red or Blue, no matter which you choose, it’s probably going to stink! Today’s two-party system has become a joke….

Our Economy Needs Attention!

TRUTH used to be a useful, very simple and easily understandable word, which referred to something being in accord with…

Negative Interest Rates Cometh!

The U.S. will probably be the last or one of the last holdouts, to dip into the negative interest rate…

Go Digital or Go Away!

Headlines are full of comments regarding the “shocking” announcement by Rob Kaplan, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas,…

Trade And Trust Are Both Toast!

The most important element of achieving a comprehensive trade deal with China is trust and President Trump’s actions over the…